
Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


这个收藏品包括信件、信件簿和其他 papers of William M. 奥林描述了他在马萨诸塞州志愿军第36团的服役经历 Infantry during the Civil War; the activities of the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was an officer; his work as Massachusetts secretary of state; and the establishment of a uniform design for the Great Seal of Massachusetts.

Biographical Sketch

威廉·米洛·奥林于2009年9月18日出生在乔治亚州沃伦顿. 1845, the son of William M. Olin, Sr. and his wife Mary Augusta (Bowen) Olin. The family moved to Worcester, Mass. when William 他年轻时就读于伍斯特、格拉夫顿和莱斯特的普通学校. In 1862, he 作为一名列兵加入了马萨诸塞州第36团,在波托马克军团服役 under General McClellan. He participated in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 1862; the "Mud March" under General Burnside, Feb. 1863; engagements at Blue Springs and Campbell Station, Tenn.; the siege of Knoxville; and skirmishes at Strawberry Plains, Tenn. and Petersburg, Va., 1865. After the war, he settled in Roxbury, Mass. and married Lizzie Wadsworth Read, with whom 他有两个孩子:埃德温·里德·奥林和卡罗琳·莱思罗普·奥林. He studied phonography and American history under Rev. Edward Everett Hale.

From 1865-1879, Olin was a reporter and editor for the Boston Daily Advertiser. 1879年,他被任命为托马斯·塔尔博特总督的私人秘书 麻萨诸塞州州长约翰. Long from 1880-1882. In 1882年至1885年,他在收藏家罗兰手下担任波士顿海关的秘书和首席职员 Worthington, and from 1885-1890 was clerk to the U.S. Committee on Indian Affairs under Senator Henry Laurens Dawes. 1890年,奥林回到波士顿,继续他在海关的工作 collector Alanson W. Beard. 1891年,他被选为马萨诸塞州的国务卿 office he would hold until his death in 1911. During this period, he was also closely associated 在共和国大军中担任副官、监察长和高级军官 vice commander in chief. 他还是陆军中校和助理副官 马萨诸塞州志愿军第一旅,1882-1889年. He was a member of the St. Botolph 俱乐部,马萨诸塞州历史学会和米德尔塞克斯俱乐部.

Olin died in Boston on 15 Apr. 1911, his wife Lizzie having died in 1887.


Brown, Gilbert Patten. "Colonel William Milo Olin, Massachusetts." Masonic Voice Review, vol. 13, no. 5 (May 1911). pp. 139-141.

Collection Description

This collection contains correspondence, 1861-1911; genealogies; six letterbooks of Olin's private letters, 1893-1911; a book of minutes of the John E. Gilman Camp No. 6, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Roxbury, Mass., 1936-1943; and an undated book locating veterans' graves at Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston, Mass. Included are Olin's letters to his mother, 1861, 利记APP官网手机版个人事务以及1862-1865年的信件摘录,当时他 was a private in the 36th Massachusetts Volunteers. These letters contain descriptions of the 弗雷德里克斯堡战役,1863年攻占维克斯堡战役,1861年的荒野战役 1864, and at Petersburg, 1865. 还包括打印的申请单,订单和请求 reports from Gov. John Andrew, 1862-1863. Letters dated 1876-1877 include correspondence from Senator George S. Boutwell, George Frisbie Hoar, and John G. Blaine. As private secretary to Gov. 托马斯·塔尔博特,奥林参与了为伟人设计制服的计划 Seal of Massachusetts. 有关这一主题的论文包括一系列1879年至1880年的国家印章, 显然是为了作为指南,以及一份制定最终设计的立法法案的副本, 1885.

有关奥林对退伍军人组织感兴趣的文件可以追溯到1881年的一封信 让奥林担任共和国大军的副官,包括 有关该组织的活动和政策的通信,文件化的申请 会员资格,残疾退伍军人的援助请求,以及马萨诸塞州的历史 Department. 1901年,奥林拒绝了一部有争议的内战历史 written by J. H. Stine of Dayton, Ohio, as a school reference book. Additional correspondence in 1901 between Col. 纳撒尼尔·威尔士和陆军部有关反对 Congressional Medal of Honor proposed for Col. Albert A. Pope and includes details of service at Fort Jackson. 奥林对退伍军人养老金立法的兴趣跨越了1893-1911年 papers refer to G.A.R. 对寡妇和护士的救济以及奥林工作的保障 legislative support for the Sulloway Bill.

有关奥林担任马萨诸塞州州务卿期间的文件包括官方文件 1891年至1911年间确认他当选的信件,以及H. L. Dawes and Edward Everett Hale. 与道斯的通信也涉及到奥林试图获得一个 1893年被任命为华盛顿羊毛协会的代表. Correspondence with John D. 朗,海军部长,很长一段时间都在关注个人事务,奥林的 对联邦空缺职位的任命提出建议,对Fort炮台的命名提出建议 1901年,沃伦在马萨诸塞州主持就职宣誓. Included are letters of various office holders and seekers; correspondence, 1903-1904, related to Massachusetts claims against the United States for the War of 1812 and the Provincetown claim; and letters 1904年胡克纪念雕像的题词.

利记APP官网手机版米德尔塞克斯扶轮社计划委员会,1893-1911年,由奥林担任主席的信件包括 correspondence with William T. Sampson, Richard Wainwright, John D. Long, Robley D. Evans, Capt. C. E. Clark, Maj. Gen. John R. Brooke, and Adna Romanza Chaffee.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Gilbert L. Bean, February 1965.

Box List to the Collection

Box 1
Songs, poems, misc. genealogy, and Notebook A & B, 1848-1949
Box 2
Notebook C, John E. Gilman Camp No. 46 records, Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), and skits, 1931-1946
Vol. 1
Letterbook, 13 Mar. 1893-28 Feb. 1895
Vol. 2
Letterbook, 1 Mar. 1895-27 May 1896
Vol. 3
Letterbook, 27 May 1896-1 Oct. 1897
Vol. 4
Letterbook, 1 Oct. 1897-20 Feb. 1900
Vol. 5
Letterbook, 21 Feb. 1900-3 Aug. 1904
Vol. 6
Letterbook, 4 Aug. 1904-11 Apr. 1911

Preferred Citation


Access Terms

这个利记手机官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
Dawes, Henry L. (Henry Laurens), 1816-1903.
Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904.
Long, John Davis, 1838-1915.


Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Massachusetts.
Massachusetts. Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Middlesex Club.
United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 36th (1862-1865).
United States Customhouse (Boston, Mass.).


Customs administration--Massachusetts--Boston.
Fredericksburg, Battle of, Fredericksburg, Va., 1862.
Massachusetts--Politics and government.
Petersburg Crater, Battle of, Va., 1864.
Sulloway Bill.
United States--Armed Forces--Pay allowances, etc.--Law and legislation.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Campaigns.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Personal narratives.
美国——历史——内战,1861-1865——团 histories--Massachusetts Infantry, 36th Volunteers.
Vicksburg (Miss.)--History--Siege, 1863.
Wilderness, Battle of the, Va., 1864.

Materials Removed from the Collection

这些照片已被移至MHS照片档案馆. A daguerreotype 威廉·米洛·奥林小时候的照片已被删除并单独编目.