Banner for National History Day <i>in Massachusetts</i>

National History Day in Massachusetts

Celebrating Juneteenth 2022

A banner with four b&w photographs of Black men and women: Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas, Sarah P. Remond, and Charles Lenox Remond. All four photographs look old and show the person profiled from the shoulders up.

To mark the celebration of Juneteenth, the legal end of enslavement in the United States, the Massachusetts Historical Society invites you to explore our annual NHD web display of student research. 

On this page, you will discover student projects from the 2021-2022 National History Day in MA competition that explore topics related to African American history and culture. The projects adhere to this year's NHD theme, "Debate and Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences" and include several project categories, including websites, exhibits, performances, and papers.

We also invite you to explore a selection of materials from the collection of the MHS that relate to the abolitionist movement, the struggle for emancipation, and those who fought for freedom.

2022 National History in Massachusetts Projects

Please note: We were given permission to identify some students by their full name, while others are identified only by their first name. 
One of the most valuable aspects of NHD is that students have the opportunity to interpret evidence and draw their own conclusions. Therefore, the interpretations and opinions expressed in these projects are the work of the students and are not necessarily shared by the Massachusetts Historical Society.



Performances & Papers