
一个“模糊, rather nerve-racking art”: the quillwork sconce of Mary Woodbury of Beverly, 麻萨诸塞州

Quillwork烛台 gilded paper, 蜡, 和 mica in original glazed, gilded wood frame



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    这支蜡烛以纸笔为特色, 金属, 蜡, 云母在一个阴影盒框架中工作. 1730 by Mary Woodbury of Beverly at a school for young women in Boston


    在18和19世纪, young women from well to do New Engl和 families could attend academies where, in addition to traditional academic pursuits, they could learn forms of ornamental 和 decorative arts. 在这些学校里, young women could be instructed in arts such as painting, 蜡像, 涂漆, 玻璃上的绘画, quillwork, feather-work, 还有装饰针线活. 在这些努力中, quillwork such as Mary Woodbury’s st和s out, 不仅因为它的复杂和美丽, but from the sheer cost of the materials required to create one—on top of the cost of tuition. 布兰迪·卡尔普,写作 华兹华斯雅典娜神庙的烛台, estimated that the cost of producing it could have been as much as $2000 in today’s money!

    最基本的是, quillwork (also called quilling or quillery) is a process of rolling narrow strips of paper into tight or loose rolls either freeh和 or around a quill, 上胶, 然后捏一下边缘做成泪珠, 眼睛, 和 其他形状, pushing the centers up out of the rolls to create 锥形状, 和 then fashioning the tiny shapes together into elaborate designs like Mary’s. 尽管这些天, paper can be purchased in long narrow strips 和 myriad colors to produce designs, things weren’t so easy for 18th century schoolgirls. 在她的 女子艺术学院 published in 1767, Hannah Robertson describes part of the process:

    灯饰是非常漂亮的作品, 在执行的时候要有判断力, 会持续几百年吗, 和 may be made to represent various figures such as beasts, 鸟, 房子, 花, 树, 纹章, &c. The first thing proper to be done is to stain paper fit for the purposes with the various colours you chuse … when dry, let it be glazed over; then delivered to a book-binder to be gilded 和 cut in very narrow slips; after which your own judgment, 或者一个模式, 我会指引你, whether you intend for picture or glass frames, 盒子, &c. … Take care not to let any of the glue fall on your work after the filligree is laid on; because it will dim the gilding …

    Quillwork was just the beginning of Mary’s labors, however. The sparkling 花 each had to be fashioned petal by petal. Although the exact process is difficult to determine, artificial 花 at the time were fashioned of 蜡, 阿拉伯树胶, 或鱼胶. Other contemporary quillworks are embellished with 蜡 figures, 贝壳, 和 other materials (see “进一步阅读” for links to works in other institutional collections).

    The intricacy 和 beauty of these quillwork pieces belie the age of the maker. 汉娜·罗伯逊说, “我凭经验知道这一点, that a child of eight or nine years of age will learn to make 花 better than at any time of life, 和 will learn their sowing [sewing] better at ten 和 eleven than sooner.” We’re not sure exactly how old Mary was when she created her sconce, 但可能比人们想象的要年轻.


    玛丽·伍德伯里出生在贝弗利, 1717年的马萨诸塞州, the daughter of Josiah 和 Lydia (Herrick) Woodbury, both descendants of founding families on the North Shore of 麻萨诸塞州. 1737年,她嫁给了Dr. Benjamin Jones of Beverly, a prominent physician. Mary died one day shy of her birthday in 1748, leaving four children under the age of 10. 她丈夫再婚两次, yet held on to her sconce 和 other artworks, which were then passed down through the family of their daughter Lydia 和 given to the MHS in 1931.


    Mary Woodbury’s quillwork sconce 和 embroidered 围裙 are among the works of art by women currently on display in the Anne Bentley Gallery at the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society. The exhibit features artwork by Lilian Westcott Hale, 露易丝·威尔怀特·达蒙, 和 Sarah Gooll Putnam; medals by Amelia Peabody, 安娜·科尔曼·拉德, 和 others; 和 a contemporary mixed media textile by Anna Clutterbuck-Cook, the Society’s late Senior Reference Librarian. These items will be on display in the gallery from 1 March-31 May 2024.


    Mary Woodbury’s sconce is only one element of her artistic legacy to survive at the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society. 她的画像 波卡洪塔斯 和 an exuberantly embroidered (although unfinished) 围裙 were also worked during her time as a schoolgirl in Boston.

    A brief history of quillwork can be found at the blog “摄政大礼服”.

    类似的羽毛笔烛台, likely worked in Boston at about the same time that Mary Woodbury worked hers are in the collections of 温特图尔大都会艺术博物馆沃兹沃思阅览室波士顿美术博物馆; 和 历史悠久的新英格兰.

    Other examples of quillwork in museum collections include a unique 和 colorful example from the Beauport Sleeper-McCann的房子 in Gloucester 和 a quillwork hatchment (coat of arms) in the 大都会艺术博物馆.

    卡莱尔,南希. 珍爱的财产:新英格兰的遗产 Boston: Society for the Preservation of New Engl和 Antiquities, 2003.

    温蒂·库珀. In Praise of America: American Decorative Arts, 1650-1830 纽约:Alfred A. 克诺夫出版社,1980年.

    唐斯,约瑟夫. “羽毛笔孵化箱。” 大都会艺术博物馆公报,卷. 33, no. 12(12月. 1938), p. 267-268.

    妮娜·弗莱彻. Little by Little: Six Decades of Collecting American Decorative Arts 纽约:E.P. 达顿,1984

    Parmal,帕梅拉. Women’s Work: Embroidery in Colonial Boston Boston:中国美术馆,2012

    罗伯逊,汉娜. The 女子艺术学院: Containing, a Great Variety of Practical Receipts … 爱丁堡:沃尔印刷. •鲁丁曼小., 1767.

    格雷格•史密斯. “波士顿女学生菲丽格丽 & 蜡油……” 古董与艺术周刊12月. 8, 2020.

    安妮·H·沃格尔. “Fancy Figures: Boston Waxworks from the Early 18th Century,” 古董与美术,(六周年纪念,2005年),页. 245-251.