

View of a house that floated to the Bourne bridge from Gray Gables, 麻萨诸塞州, 1938年新英格兰飓风之后

View of a house that floated to the Bourne bridge from Gray Gables, 麻萨诸塞州, 1938年新英格兰飓风之后

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This photograph depicts the home of Elizabeth Lane of Bourne, 麻萨诸塞州. 在1938年飓风最猛烈的时候, 秃鹰湾的水位迅速上涨, ripping the house off its foundation and carrying it two miles down the Cape Cod Canal where it came ashore at the foot of the Bourne Bridge. The photograph was taken by an unidentified photographer and is part of the 帕克飓风收集.


"We were never called upon to record so terrible a gale as the one just passed by—and our oldest citizens have no remembrance of having before witnessed so furious a blast." Although this quotation appeared in the 每日国家情报报 in 1815, it would have been just as fitting a description of the storm that lashed Long Island and many parts of New England eighty years ago this month. Although New England weather is decidedly fickle, and extreme weather is becoming more the rule than the exception, the hurricane of 1938 was one of only a few to cause severe and lasting damage to large swaths of New England—others being the hurricane of 1635 recorded in the journals of both John Winthrop and William Bradford (the hurricane's eye passed between their respective settlements in Boston and Plymouth) and the Great September Gale of 1815.

The days leading up to Wednesday the 21st of September had been stormy, with flooding rains in many parts of New England. Forecasters had been tracking the development of a tropical storm since the beginning of the month, but believing that it would move out to sea, 没有发出警告. 而不是出海, 然而, the New England Hurricane of 1938--or the Great New England Hurricane (giving hurricanes female and now female and male names did not begin until 1953)--made landfall as a Category 3 storm in Suffolk County, 长岛, about the time of an astronomical high tide. 从那里, the storm raged northward at approximately 50 miles per hour, leaving a 90 mile wide path of destruction from Long Island to Quebec, following the Connecticut River and the spine of the Green Mountains. To the west of the storm center, rain caused the majority of the damage; to the east, wind. Coastal areas from Connecticut to Cape Cod faced gigantic tidal surges. 在蓝山天文台, 风暴以东100英里处, 风速达到每小时121英里, 风速达到每小时189英里.

The hurricane came and went in less than five hours, but left nearly 700 dead and 2000 injured in its wake. Sixty three thousand people were left homeless and 100 bridges were destroyed. The timber industry of New England suffered tremendous losses—the Harvard Forest, 在罗纹丝带, 麻萨诸塞州, one of the oldest managed forests in New England, lost 70 percent of its mature trees and half of the white pines in New Hampshire were lost—uprooted by wind gusts. Financial damages were estimated at 400 million dollars (the equivalent of more than seven billion dollars today).


The photograph featured above tells the tragic story of five of the victims of this storm. 在暴风雨的那天, Hayward Wilson of Gray Gables (Bourne) observed the rising tides from his home, 哪个坐在高地上. As conditions worsened, he saw the tides approaching the home of his neighbor Elizabeth Lane. 离开安全的家, he battled fierce winds to reach Lane's house where the water was still rising. He telephoned his wife to send someone with a boat to rescue the three women and eleven-year old boy in the house (none of whom could swim), 但在救援到来之前, the storm intensified and the floodwaters tore the house from its foundation. It was then carried two miles down the canal. All five people in the house were drowned in the house's flooded second story; Wilson's wounds suggested that he had tried to smash through the roof to escape. For his efforts, Hayward Wilson was posthumously awarded a Carnegie Medal for heroism.


这张特写照片是P. Hildreth Parker飓风系列, 文章合订本100余册, 专著, and photographs on the Hurricane of 1938 and other New England natural disasters. The collection was amassed by Pearl Hildreth Parker, 贝尔蒙特的居民, 麻萨诸塞州, and a long-time fire prevention engineer for the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company. 帕克1880年出生在洛厄尔, the son of Israel Parker and Josephine Hodgkins, 并于1905年在德古特与克拉拉·阿克森结婚. He was a former president of the Box 52 Association, a group of fire buffs named for the fire alarm box that sounded the alarm during Boston's Great Fire of 1872.


理查德·邓恩.James Savage和Laetitia Yeandle主编. 约翰·温斯洛普日记,1630-1649 (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996).

Brian Jarvinen, R. Storm Tides in Twelve Tropical Cyclones (Including Four Intense New England Hurricanes).

长,斯蒂芬. Thirty-Eight: The Hurricane that Transformed New England 纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社,2016.

大卫·卢德伦著. 1492-1870年早期美国飓风 Boston: American Meteorological Society, 1963.

Perley,西德尼. 新英格兰的历史性风暴 萨勒姆,质量.:塞勒姆出版社出版印刷公司., 1891.

Hayward Wilson's citation for the Carnegie award is available on 卡内基英雄基金网站.

The National Weather Service's account of 1938年的飓风.

历史上的今天: 1938年9月21日.