Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail
John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams
My Dear Mamma Cambridge May 15th 1786. Monday

自从我写信给你以来,又过了几个月,1 but I shall henceforth, be able to spare more Time, 比我之前在哈弗希尔读过的还要多. There is now neither the Necessity, nor indeed the possibility, for me to keep as close, as I was in the Winter. 在六个月的时间里,我不得不这样做, to go through the studies, which are perform'd here, in 2 years and 9 months. So different had my Studies been, from those, at this Place, 在去年十月之前,我从未看过一本书, 除了贺拉斯以外,我都被检查过. Had I arrived here 3 months earlier, 进入这个班就容易多了, which graduates next Commencement, 比进入我现在所在的世界还要艰难. This would have advanced me, one year, 但这里有很多公共活动, 这是我不应该做的,我认为这可能是有利的. Such is speaking in the Chapel, before all the Classes; which I shall have to do in my turn 4 or 5 times, before we leave College. 法庭上的争论也是这样,我们明天还要讨论其中的一个. 形而上学的导师提出了一个问题, for the whole Class to dispute upon; they alternately affirm or deny the Question; and, write each, two or three pages, for or against it, 在小教堂里当着家庭教师的面诵读吗, 谁最后就这个问题发表了意见. We have two or three of these Questions every Quarter; that for tomorrow is, 人类灵魂的不朽是否可能来自自然理性. It comes in Course, for me, to affirm; and in this Case, it makes the task much easier. But It so happens, that whatever the Question may be, I must support it; I shall send a Copy of my Piece, to my Father, 尽管我怀疑它几乎不值得一读.2

你也许想知道, how I am pleased with my Situation, how I like my fellow Students, and what acquaintances I have formed. 利记APP官网手机版第一点,我很满意. There are a few inconveniences, and some necessary loss of Time, that I must be subjected to; but I never was able any where to Study, more 164除了学院的活动外,我在这里很少受到打扰. 我现在不能像以前那样,对任何一个具体的部门都特别注意了. The languages, natural Philosophy, mathematics, and metaphysics; all together, will employ any one sufficiently, 在这两方面都没有取得快速进展. 我们现在正在上由李先生讲授的实验哲学课程. Williams. 它们将在6月21日前完成, when the Senior Sophister Class, leave College; they will consist of 24 Lectures, 9 of which we have already had. 至于学生,我发现他们混杂着好、坏和冷漠. 各阶级之间几乎没有交往. 我对其他阶级所知甚少. I know all, that belong to my own. 我已经努力找出了这些, that have the best Reputation, both, as Students, and moral Characters. Those will be my Companions; and fortunately I am left to my choice, 因为我们没有义务与他们交往, who are dissolute or negligent. 我认为这两种品质通常是相辅相成的:实例, are very rare, where a person of a loose Character, makes any figure as a Scholar.

Friday. May 19th:3

前天收到您3月20日的信, 我得到了某种情况的暗示, by a Letter from Aunt Cranch, to my Cousin, at the same Time. I do not know, that ever in my Life, I felt so much anxiety, and impatience, as I have, from that Time, till this Afternoon, when your's of Feby. 16号交给了我,还有我姐姐给菲比的日记. 我也从未有过如此奇怪的感觉, 就像读了我姐姐的信的第一页一样, where in the most delicate, manner possible, she inform'd me of the Connection. I laid it down immediately, and for 5 minutes, 我的思绪一片混乱, 他使我相信了几乎所有的感觉. 我现在无法解释我的处境,就像我当时无法形成一个观念一样. 在那里我一个字也读不下去了, and I took up your's, 我在里面找到了对这件事的充分描述, and indeed, 正如你所看到的,对比是惊人的. Surely, if there is a providence, that directs the affairs of mankind, it prompted your Voyage to Europe. 我本想在这封信中向你叙述某个人最近的行为, 但我们现在可以把一个人的错误蒙上面纱, whose folly, has deprived him, of the Advantages which Nature, with a liberal hand, had bestow'd upon him. The Gentleman, 165you mention, enjoys a Reputation, which has always commanded my Respect; I wish henceforth to esteem him as a friend, 视他如亲兄弟,这是环境所迫的, 与他私交的乐趣, his connection, with a Sister, as dear to me as my Life, and the Opinion of my Parents, will stand in lieu of it. 劳驾,代我亲切地向他问好好吗? The Books I have not received, nor any Letter from my Sister, by Lyde, or Cushing, who both arrived, last Tuesday.

我相信你有理由认为我没有去伦敦是幸运的. Your description of Miss Hamilton, and that of my Sister, 她几乎在我收到的每封信里都提到她, since their first acquaintance, are almost enough, to raise a Romantic, Knight Errant flame; what then would have been the Consequence, had I seen her often; but what with a little Resolution, and some good luck, your young Hercules, has till now escaped, 盲神的飞镖,将在十五个月内非常安全,现在没有女人了, 我在这里认识的人, that I consider, as dangerous; Study is my mistress, and my endeavours will be to

“Listen to no female, but the Muse.”

顺便说一句,你知道我时不时会沉迷于押韵的狂怒. 我要给我妹妹附上一份简短的样本,说明我是怎样消磨时光的. If your candour and indulgence, is such, 至于认为值得横渡大西洋,我完全满意.4

但现在是午夜,我必须在6点前起床. and this as well as my Paper bids me, come to the Conclusion of my Letter; my Duty to my Father. 我恐怕不能利用这次机会替他得到一封信了. Your dutiful Son.

J. Q. Adams

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed: “J Q Adams May 15 1786.”


JQA to AA, 28 Dec. 1785 (vol. 6:503–506).


JQA 在他发表文章的那天把他的文章抄写在日记里( Diary , 2:32–34). 没有找到其他副本,但这可能是“对话” JA thanked JQA in his letter on 10 Jan. 1787, below.


JQA 大概是18号开始续写这封信的,因为他收到了 AA's letter of 20 March (above) on 16 May and both AA's letter of 16 Feb. (above) and AA2's letter No. 11 ending on 15 Feb. (not found) on the 18th (same, 2:35).


可能是《利记APP官网手机版》一首诗,作者是 JQA, which he completed on 12 Dec. 1785 (M/JQA/28, Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 223). Delia was the name JQA 她是一个年轻的女人,和肖家一起住了一年多,为了她 JQA 短暂地形成了一个附件(卷. 5:473, 476; JQA, Diary , 1:321, 400–401; 2:96). AA2 承认在迪莉娅的信中看到了这些诗句 22 July, below.