托马斯杰斐逊, 亚当斯,阿比盖尔
7月16日巴黎. 1787. 亲爱的夫人

昨天我很高兴地收到了女儿,她非常健康. 她告诉我的第一件事就是她对你的承诺, that after she should have been here a little while she would go back to pay you a visit of four or five days. she had taken nothing into her calculation but the feelings of her own heart which beat warmly with gratitude to you. she had fared very well on the road, having got into favor with gentlemen & 女士们有时跪在一个人的膝上,有时跪在另一个人的膝上. 她完全忘记了她的妹妹, 但认为, 一见到我, 她想起了我的一些事. 听你这么说我很高兴 & 天堂夫人不是去了就是去美国了. 我本应该写信给他们的,但我以为他们弄错了 124真的消失了. 我以为海沃德先生早就走了. he will be a very excellent opportunity for sending the packet to mr̃ Drayton.1 Petit will execute your commissions this morning, and I will get mr̃ Appleton to take charge of them. 他后天动身去伦敦. 国王 & 议会对印花税法案的态度十分紧张, 后者在没有看到账户的情况下拒绝注册 &c.2 M. 德·卡隆已经逃到了海牙. 我收到一封科尔的信o. 史密斯于6月30日在马德里约会. 他因仆人生病而耽搁了. 但他正准备出发去里斯本. 我向他的夫人致意 & 亚当斯先生,我永远感谢您,并致以崇高的敬意 & 尊敬的女士/您最听话的/ & 最卑微的仆人t


RC (亚当斯的论文); addressed: “A Madame / Madame Adams / Grosvenor square / á Londres.”; internal address: “Mrs. Adams”; docketed by AA2: “Mr 杰斐逊1787年7月16日——


威廉·德雷顿(1732-1790), 东佛罗里达的律师和前首席法官, was the chairman of the South Carolina Society for Promoting and Improving Agriculture to whom Jefferson was sending a sample of Italian rice ( 轻拍 ; 杰斐逊, 论文 , 11:520–521; AA 7月10日致托马斯·杰斐逊,上图).


The Parliament of Paris was steadfast in its refusal to register the new stamp and land taxes proposed at the Assembly of Notables the preceeding February. 最后,在9月20日.,路易十六心软,同意放弃他们(J. F. 波什, 法国大革命, N.Y., 1988, p. 111).