周六. 五月. 29th. 八世:20.

早餐后玩纸牌游戏, I sat with the family all the Morning neglecting my usual walk which I find has been of such advantage to me since my stay here. 夫人. 哈罗德是哈罗德夫人的嫂子. Adams appears to be a woman perfectly versed in the really “bon ton” of society. 她比我想象的要从容得多,看来是一位很有教养的女士. The contrast is always striking between natural 和 artificial manners 和 makes me a convert to one great point of aristocracy, 这是, the real difference which does exist between men bred naturally 和 those who have formed themselves. 后者总是彬彬有礼,但却不如前者那么讨人喜欢. The little girl has come here to be put to School at Miss Marston’s which is now quite a flourishing academy.1 Deservedly I think for I believe the women to be really worthy although they breathe a little too much of the spirit of methodistical piety.

I read a short poem of Lyttelton’s which is in the rural style consequently is not remarkably apt for criticism. Thus I passed the day, about as slothfully take it altogether as any this vacation. 我并没有注意到我正在对弗朗茨太太发火. A. 昨晚, she disclosing herself for once 和 speaking of the Adams family in such a way as to put me in a violent passion. I subdued it however 和 so I thought it necessary only to mention the circumstance without particulars.

In the afternoon George came out in the stage as usual 和 after a walk in the garden we went in, I immediately to my Gr和father where I read a part of an article in the last North American Review. 是利记APP官网手机版哲学史的.2 我没有看到足够的东西来判断,因为我在九点钟停下来. 从这里我来到晚餐,注定要失败 163我的脾气受到了严峻的考验. My Uncle sitting next to me took occasion to be affronted at me for what I do not know, 但他试图激怒我和他吵架. Many bitter things he said which stirred my blood but conscious of the extreme folly of making a difficulty with him I remained silent. This being perceived, he sprang up 和 went off declaring that there was no congeniality among us. This took off the chill which had been thrown upon the company but my blood was running fast all the evening. 我担心我的缺席会被发现. 在家人退休之后, 他进来时冷静了下来, 我们和他呆了半个小时才上楼. I could not sleep until long after I laid down but spent the time in conversation with George on the subject of the whole of that family 和 our own. XI: 30.


The Misses Marston (two sisters) conducted a school for girls which attracted the elite of Quincy 和 Boston. 它坐落在圣. 约翰大教堂后来建成(帕蒂, 老布伦特里和昆西 , p. 341).


亚历山大·H. 埃弗雷特,《利记APP官网手机版》, 《利记手机官网》 43:234-266(1824年4月).