
The first incident which happened this morning was a fire, 和 not far from my House. We heard the alarm which proved to be from a house next to that occupied by Mr. 托马斯·珀金斯,通常被称为小汤姆.1 它被保存在, 幸运的是,它曾经爆发过, the wind was so high that in all probability the whole block would have been consumed. 我在一场暴雨中去了办公室, 和 enjoyed a very comfortable portion of time in examining the Life of Arthur Lee, 尤其是文件, which are very interesting as they respect the History of our Revolution. Mr. T. Welsh came in to speak to me about the purchase of his former residence in Hancock Street, 现在以五千美元的价格出售.2 我打听了几次这处房产, 和 satisfied myself that it would on the whole be a very safe purchase—And if possible intend to prevail upon my father to purchase it. It would prove better property than his Stock in the State Bank 和 might prevent his transferring the money to Washington on less safe speculations. 我希望下星期去看看.

My father himself made his appearance 和 upon my proposing it seemed to relish the plan without giving me definite instructions upon it. 他冒着暴风雨进来,是为了给史密斯先生送信. 利记APP官网手机版托马斯·博伊尔斯顿遗产的事,3 以及办理与该遗产有关的其他业务. 因为他在这里,我派人去请 63Col. J. B. 戴维斯 who had some conversation with him upon the present state of political affairs highly interesting to me. 可怜的戴维斯感到自己的处境很糟糕, for he now does not know what course to take 和 whom to support 和 therefore feels restless until he can get some ground to st和 upon. The prospect of the promotion of 奥蒂斯 to the government of the State seems to provoke him no little—And well it may.4 My father dined with me 和 was disposed to remain all night but John, his Servant was obliged to return so that he decided to go through a very disagreeable storm. 我浪费了一个下午去学习, 因此,我不得不喝点拉·哈普的酒来满足自己, 是谁发表了反对维列斯和卡提林的演说, 应有的关注. 晚上,给艾比读克拉丽莎·哈洛的开头,5 像往常一样,以约翰福音的五章结尾.


Thomas Perkins lived on Sumner (afterwards Mount Vernon) Street which bounded Hancock Avenue at one end ( 波士顿目录, 1829–1830). 非洲金融共同体 gives his familiar name, perhaps to distinguish him from Thomas H和asyd Perkins, father 和 son.


小托马斯·威尔士. (1779-1831)是约翰博士的儿子. 托马斯·威尔士(1752-1831)和他的第二任妻子, 阿比盖尔·肯特(1750-1824), 谁是AA (vol. 1:15, 99). 和哈丽特一起. 1857年),是他第一次婚姻的女儿. 威尔士和托马斯曾住在汉考克街20号。 波士顿目录, 1828–1829). GWA had rented a room there 和 lived at the house at the time of his death. 虽然托马斯, 一位律师, 他的办公室仍然在法院街23号, JQA体系体系的构建, 他在1829年早些时候遭遇了严重的挫折, 因债务入狱, 并失去了他的财产. 2:375, 399). 利记APP官网手机版提到的威尔士家族成员,参见 亚当斯家谱.


JQA体系给佩蒂·沃恩,10月31日. (LbC, 亚当斯的论文).


约翰·布莱泽·戴维斯(d .. 1832年)是《 波士顿的爱国者 (1824-1831),也是JQA体系的长期政治支持者. 看到 比, JQA体系 , 2:22, 206; 和MHS, 风怒. 49 (1915–1916): 178–256. His purpose at this meeting was to persuade JQA体系 to allow him to publish immediately the “Reply to the Appeal of the Massachusetts Federalists” (JQA体系体系、日记10月31日.), which JQA体系 had written earlier in 1829 while his defeat was still sharply felt 和 which was particularly bitter in its charges against Harrison Gray 奥蒂斯. Those of JQA体系’s friends who had seen the document had advised against its publication; 戴维斯 however, 为了巩固自己的地位, would seem to have been overstating the likelihood of another 奥蒂斯 campaign for the governorship. 奥蒂斯, 波士顿市长, had left the state scene after the decisive defeat of the Federalists in 1824.

JQA体系’s reaction to the plea to publish was “to wait yet sometime” (JQA体系体系、日记10月31日.). 《答复》直到1877年才发表, when HA included it with the other documents in the controversy in 新英格兰联邦制, q. v. p. v-vii. 另请参阅 比, JQA体系 , 2:167–176; 莫里森, H. G. 奥蒂斯 , 2:243–246, 249–251.

戴维斯 was to be further identified with the Adamses in antimasonic politics of 1830–1831 和 as an early encourager of 非洲金融共同体 to write for publication.


JQA体系的书盘在伦敦版,2卷., 1795, in MQA.