Thursday. 21st.

Morning clear and pleasant. After my attention to Aeschines, I went to the Office and was first saluted by my Tenant Mrs. Proctor who came with excuses and part payment of her rent. I received both though not with a feeling of much comfort. My time was considerably interrupted. Mr. Peabody paid me a visit, having returned from Exeter and about some business which I was glad to see as he may be encouraged to continue his Office. Mr. Hewit called upon me. This was a visit upon that old business of Farmer’s. I could hardly have supposed that a man could have so many ways of teazing. He now proposes to publish, and this was one of Dr. Storer’s friends who was desirous of 33suppressing the publication by a bribe. I told him precisely my Opinion upon the folly of any attempt of the kind but at the same time as he seemed so anxious I told him I would do my share.1 I read but little in consequence of all this.

Dined with my Wife at P. Chardon Brooks’. He gave me some good Hock Wine. Returned home and read the remainder of the Oration de Resp. Harusp. together with a part of that for Plancius. Evening at home. Continued reading Walsh, and after it finished Mackenzie, and read the Spectator as usual.


The effort to restrain Miles Farmer from the publication of his version of the affair involving GWA, Eliza Dolph, and Dr. D. Humphreys Storer was unsuccessful; see below, entries for 3 and 4 August; also vol. 2:403–404.