Saturday 25th.

Fine day but the weather has turned off quite cold. I took my last shower bath this season and found it extremely pleasant. Left Medford after breakfast accompanied by Mr. Frothingham. My visit has on the whole been quite a pleasant one, yet I think I see alterations going on which will result in material changes before long. This is merely my own feeling. I hope and trust that we shall all be benefitted by them.

Time passed in town partly at the Office partly in going to the House to obtain some papers and Journals for my father who talks seriously of resuming his great undertaking,1 a circumstance that I am very glad to see. This has been delayed too long already. Went also to the Athenaeum for half an hour.

At my usual hour I rode to Quincy. My Wife had reached there before my arrival. Found the family much as usual, and spent the afternoon in reading the life of Cromwell. My absence has however broken the connection of my thoughts so much that I fear I shall have to give up my project or go over all the ground again. Miss Smith dined at the House but returned home in the Afternoon. I accompanied my Mother in a visit to Mrs. T. B. Adams and Mrs. Angier who is there. Returned and retired pretty early. A short conversation with my father upon political Affairs.


That is, his life of JA. During the next several months JQA often, though not invariably, recorded in his journal that he had written a page of biography during the day (JQA, Diary, 28 Aug. – 2 Nov. passim).