Tuesday. 7th.

A strong fog from the Eastward. I felt so much indisposed that I thought it not advisable to go to town. So that I busied myself as well as I could in arranging my Grandfather’s Papers. I find the correspondence immensely large and some of it not of great value. But there is some which is valuable to preserve, as a memorial to our family of what others thought. The attempt to methodize must be well studied before it can succeed. I read a part of the second book of Rousseau’s Emile that falls off from the practical character of the first though equal in the beauty of its style. It was cold though it cleared away.

In the Afternoon, I began Cicero’s Oration for Rabirius Postumus, and read a large part of it. The reflection in it is fine, though perhaps he could have been better occupied. Probably his Client was no better than he should be. I cannot however study with one half the relish here that I do at home, for I am not in the way to be so thorough. T. B. Adams Jr. was here from Medford,1 and passed the afternoon. Evening, read a little of Grimm, felt a good deal better, and finished with two Numbers of the Spectator.


The Lieutenant, with his mother, had gone to Medford several days earlier for the party on the evening before at which the Angiers in their newly furnished home received their friends (JQA, Diary, 3 and 6 June).