Wednesday. 23d.

The weather is now very steadily cool and pleasant with cloudless days. I accompanied Mr. Brooks to town and was occupied much of my morning in business at the Office.

I had little or no interruption and had on that account some opportunity to pursue the reading of the Letters of Jefferson. Those written from 1793 onward are steeped in the very gall of party. He seems to have lost his temper and his feelings and indulges in the most ungen-347erous strictures upon his opponents. Even my grandfather does not escape insinuations although he affected in his case to display a moderation he certainly did not feel. The violence of both parties is to be examined narrowly by any one who wishes to form an impartial judgment and one side may correct the other.

Returned to Medford where there was company for the rest of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Frothingham dined with us, and after dinner there was Mr. G. M. Dexter and his sister Catherine, Mrs. Hall and her son Edward, and Mr. J. C. Gray. They did not go until late and I did nothing afterwards. Mrs. Frothingham staid.