Saturday. 30th.

This was the day fixed for the termination of our visit at Quincy and return to Medford. I started as usual shortly after breakfast. Engaged most of the day at the Office in making up the arrears of my Diary which the voluminous occupations of the week have thrown into the background. I wrote pretty constantly but did not quite succeed in finishing all I had to do.

Rode to Medford—The day feeling like Autumn. The place as quiet 376as usual. I passed my afternoon not very usefully but still quietly and in the pursuit of my usual studies. Read Madame de Maintenon and Ovid. But I must get higher game than all this amounts to.

My Wife conversed with me about the prospects for a winter arrangement. It will soon be necessary to reflect well upon this subject, and make some definite choice. Mr. Brooks is troubling his mind about it at present as he does not know what to do. I must think well about it, and decide soon. In the evening, quietly at home. Read in the Quarterly Review the article upon Sir Jas. Mackintosh.1


An essay-review of Sir James Mackintosh’s History of the Revolution in England in 1688 (Quarterly Review, 51:493–534 [June 1834]).