Wednesday. 18th.

Morning warm. I went to the Office, spending the previous hour in copying my letter instead of going out. Louisa is out with the measles. This is a complaint about which we feel anxious although as yet every thing, thank Heaven, is tolerably favorable. Occupied at the Office in looking over my Accounts preparing for the year’s winding up. This kept me most of my time.

Accounts come this day from Texas of a most extraordinary character—It is hardly possible to believe the extent of the triumph which has been reported to have been gained.1 And General Houston is too much of a blockhead to have done any thing half so effective. Walk. Home Livy. Received a letter from my father requesting me to procure for him extracts from his Diary at Quincy relating to the controversy at present in question.2 I shall go tomorrow.

Afternoon, Sismondi, Ariosto but mainly copying my long Letter which I finished. Evening, Elizabeth C. Adams came to stay with us. Mr. De Wint and his daughter who came to meet their son returning home from school, spent the evening with us. Afterwards, Swift.


The New York papers of 17 May carried unauthenticated reports originating in the New Orleans papers of 3 May of the capture of Gen. Santa Anna (Daily Centinel and Gazette, 19 May, p. 2, col. 1).


Under continued attack from the Administration and its spokesmen through the Globe challenging the accuracy of JQA’s account of Jackson’s part in approving the Mexican boundary (above, 13 May, note), JQA now called upon CFA to provide him with all material relating to the Florida Treaty to be found in his diary and letterbooks for Feb. 1819 (to CFA, 15 May, Adams Papers).