Adams, John Boylston, Thomas
To Thomas Boylston
Sir Paris January 17. 1783

您十二月二十三日的信,我直到今天才收到. 美利坚合众国的主权, 真的被英国承认吗, 荷兰和法国, 而且很可能很快就会被地球上的所有国家所接受. 不过,我同意你的看法,还有许多工作要做. 消除所有分裂的原因,巩固各州的感情和联盟, 赋予法律稳定和权威, 扩展我们的商业和管理我们的财政, to preserve Intelligence and Virtues in the People and at the Same time a martial Spirit and military Establishments So that our Liberties may neither be in danger at home nor from abroad; to regulate the system of foreign Affairs So that We may be as Usefull to Europe, 并在我们的自然处境和环境允许的范围内尽可能多地从中获益, without being duped by its Artifices or infested with its faults; is Occupation Sufficient for all the Talents and Virtues which our Country affords.

正如你所看到的,欧洲确实是一个优秀的学校, 但这同时也是可憎的, and I confess to you, 我有时担心,与其说我们是学者,不如说我们更善于研究它的弊端和愚蠢,而不是它的有益制度和值得赞扬的品质.

我不能给你任何利记APP官网手机版和平或战争的信息. my private opinion is, 虽然和平可能尚未决定,但不会有另一场战争, 远远早于打开它的时间.——但是,这种意见所依据的理由连我自己都不确定,所以我不能太相信它, nor pretend to advise you.-我是,先生您卑微的仆人

John Adams

LbC (Adams Papers); internal address: “Mr 托马斯·博伊尔斯顿,《混乱的掩护rs / Lane Son and Fraser,伦敦.”; APM Reel 108.