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The Battle of Bunker Hill


为了防止英国士兵在向列克星敦和康科德进军后对乡村进行进一步的攻击, 20,1775年春天,000名省民兵包围了波士顿. 查尔斯顿半岛和多切斯特高地, 指挥着波士顿市和波士顿港, lie abandoned. Hoping to make the British "masters of these heights," General Gage, in conference with Major Generals William Howe, Henry Clinton, and John Burgoyne, 计划赶在殖民者之前占领被忽视的阵地. 6月15日,盖奇的意图从波士顿传到新罕布什尔. Acting quickly on this intelligence, 马萨诸塞州安全委员会命令阿特玛斯·沃德将军, 波士顿周围殖民地民兵的指挥官, to race the British to the Charlestown peninsula, capture Bunker Hill, and then seize the Dorchester hills.

The following day, Ward orders Colonel William Prescott, with the aid of one thousand colonial troops, to take and fortify Bunker Hill. 普雷斯科特和他的部队在英国人不知情的情况下于当晚抵达查尔斯顿半岛. 普雷斯科特和其他警官最终决定绕过邦克山, 高110英尺,位于返回剑桥的唯一路线附近, and instead give "orders to march" to Breed's Hill, 这是一座更靠南的小山,在波士顿和停泊在港口的英国船只的大炮射程之内. 殖民者们通宵达夜地辛勤劳作,在山顶上建造了一座160英尺长,30英尺高的土堡, 有防御工事和栅栏一直延伸到神秘河.

震惊的英国将军们在6月17日早上醒来,发现了新建立的防御工事. As the day continues, 英国船只轰炸未经训练的民兵, 普雷斯科特上校巡视堡垒以鼓舞士气. Thirsty and tired, the soldiers receive "no refreshment." Back in Boston, Gage summons a war council.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, over 2,000 British soldiers, 由豪将军指挥,身穿闪亮的红色外套, land on the Charlestown shore. 欧洲大陆的狙击手在英军行进时向他们射击, 豪将军下令向查尔斯敦发射可燃炮弹. 在浓烟和火焰中,当地居民逃离家园 "Charlestown's dismal fate." 从屋顶和山顶上,观众们看着查尔斯敦燃烧. 晴朗的天气让远在布伦特里的居民都能看到风景, 包括阿比盖尔·亚当斯和一个八岁的约翰·昆西·亚当斯,他后来回忆说自己住在 "unintermitted danger."

英军向山上进发,在那里他们被栅栏、壕沟和高草所挫败. 大陆民兵冒着尘土和炎热,在他们的墙后等待着. 他们一直开火直到英军进入堡垒150英尺内. "Heavy and severe Fire" decimates the thick British ranks. 从第一次进攻中退缩,豪将军依靠 "the Bravery of the King's Troops" 并立即命令步履蹒跚、秩序混乱的士兵进行第二次冲锋, this time only at the hill and rail fence. 殖民者再次用他们的炮火屠杀了国王的军队.

一个小时过去了,英军从两次袭击中恢复过来. They receive 400 new troops from Boston. A third time, General Howe orders his soldiers, with the help of the reinforcements, to charge the breastworks and the rail fence. With "Bravery and Resolution," 普雷斯科特的人又一次等到最后一刻才开火. This time, however, 他们弹药不足,很快就被英军击溃, 他们在躲避敌人时用石头和火枪的枪托打他们 "Arrows of death."

No longer able to withstand the British attack, 普雷斯科特的人沿着通往剑桥的路向北撤退, 斯塔克将军的新罕布什尔部队在后方掩护他们. 最后一批放弃布里德山堡垒的人之一, Joseph Warren is killed as he retreats, and he is mourned with "the tears of multitudes." 总共140名殖民者死亡,271人受伤. Before dark, 英国人再次控制了查尔斯顿半岛, though 226 British lie dead and 828 are wounded.

尽管英国重新控制了半岛,殖民势力仍将英国人困在波士顿. As supply issues and shortages plague them, 英国准备进一步的军事承诺以击败 "poor and ignorant" colonists. 与此同时,各殖民地争相集结更多士兵. 1775年10月初,英国用豪将军取代了盖奇将军, and two weeks after the battle at Breed's Hill, on 2 July 1775, 乔治·华盛顿抵达剑桥,开始指挥大陆军.


Rowe's Revolution

“下午,我应韦勃修士的邀请,参加了韦勃博士遗体的葬礼. Warren ... The Corps of Dr. Warren was Carried into the Chapell Dr. Cooper prayed & 莫顿校长在会上发表了讲话. 有一支由两连士兵组成的漂亮的船队."

Diary of John Rowe,
8 April 1776

Read more of John Rowe's diary


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