


"...Hartford Turner & Dinah Ned, free negroes, were married Jany. 4, the present year by me."
~Samuel Stillman, 8 April 1784


以前在马萨诸塞被奴役的人继续生活在一个低下的社会地位, legally free but with fewer civil rights than whites. 他们受到法律体系的平等对待,但他们不能担任陪审团成员. They paid taxes, but could not vote, and, in most cases, their children did not attend public schools, prohibited at least by custom and tradition, if not by law. It was difficult to find work. Domestic service remained a viable employment, 以及与海洋有关的普通劳动和职业. However, 害怕被绑架(以及被迫回到其他地方被奴役)是在海滨或海上工作的障碍. 奴隶制度废除后,契约奴役仍然有效, 而像迪克·莫雷这样的非裔美国儿童通常会被雇佣到21岁. 北方的自由黑人不断组织他们的社区,希望为其他地方被奴役的人赢得自由, 为所有黑人带来了完全公民权的好处. 他们建立了社区协会,为相互支持和政治行动奠定了基础, such as the African Society in Boston, and the African Lodge of Masons.

大卫·斯托达德·格林诺和迪克·莫雷之间的契约, witnessed by selectmen of Roxbury, 6 September 1786

Prince Hall

霍尔王子是独立战争期间和之后波士顿最杰出的自由黑人公民之一. Born around 1735, of uncertain origins, he was enslaved by William Hall of Boston, 是谁在1770年波士顿大屠杀后不久释放了他. Prince Hall worked as a leatherdresser and caterer, 他是波士顿非洲分会的最高大师. Another institution to promote social, political, 以及非洲裔美国人的经济进步是1796年在波士顿成立的非洲人协会. 虽然霍尔王子显然不是非洲协会的创始成员, 该组织确实与非洲分会共享了一些成员.

霍尔王子不知疲倦地为废除奴隶制而工作, 在法律上终止在马萨诸塞州国内贩卖奴隶的行为, 为波士顿黑人纳税人的孩子提供免费公共教育. 1788年2月,由霍尔王子领导的一群共济会成员向法院请愿,要求停止贩卖奴隶, 一份由波士顿港绑架三名自由黑人引发的请愿书, 他们被引诱上船,然后被带到西印度群岛当奴隶. As a result of this petition, 还有一个是贵格会提出的,一个是波士顿神职人员提出的, 1788年3月26日,普通法院通过了一项法案,“防止奴隶贸易”, 并为那些可能被绑架或诱骗离开联邦的不幸的人的家庭提供救济”(卡普兰p. 210). Prince Hall died in Boston in 1807.

The African Society

Mary Hartford

玛丽·哈特福德(Mary Hartford)祖先的重要文件收藏, 一个“从小就住在贝尔纳普家的有色人种女人”,记录了独立战争后自由黑人的生活. 这些手稿在某种程度上都与玛丽·哈特福德的祖先有关, who may have been born in 1792, and died in 1872. Hartford, who saved the papers until her death, always maintained that they belonged to her father, whose christened name was Hartford, 但他的姓氏可能经常改变,这取决于他雇主的名字, as was common for African Americans, either enslaved or free. Thus, the frequency of the name Hartford: Hartford Turner, Hartford Robbins, Hartford Roberts, and Hartford Broom; and a woman named Dinah: Dinah Keeth, Dinah Hewes, Dinah Roberts, and Dinah Hartford. 这些藏品突出了确定早期非裔美国家庭成员个体的困难, particularly due to the problem of names, and the paucity of surviving records.

Mary Hartford Papers


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